STEP INTO YOUR POWER 5-week Optimisation with Timewaver Pro

STEP INTO YOUR POWER 5-week Optimisation with Timewaver Pro


The time has come for each of us to go beyond the limiting beliefs and structures through which we have come to define ourselves. And to step into WHO WE TRULY ARE are, as unique expressions of Divine Beauty, Love and Power.

I offer this program of healing over 5 weeks to assist you to let go of all that has been slowing you down, holding you back or sabotaging your progress towards your goals. Sometimes we get hooked into the Victim-Persecutor perspective and cannot see the bigger picture . Sometimes we get stuck in Fear and believe what that would tell us.

It is time to become a Conscious Creator!

A first step is to accept that EVERY experience we have, we drew to ourselves as the powerful creators that we are. The next step is to CHOOSE again - this time consciously. To choose on a daily basis those perspectives, thoughts and actions that reflect our wholeness, that reflect our highest vision for ourselves, others and all of creation. As we now continually reach for that and choose that, our hearts and minds open to a very different experience!

As you know, Timewaver Pro is an incredible resource for reaching into the hidden layers of our psyche, our karmic experiences, our cellular memory and finding both causes and solutions to our particular blocks. I experience these analyses and optimisations as a huge support in revealing and clearing what I, on my own, could not see.

In creating this STEP INTO OUR POWER Program I have selected a unique set of over 2,800 entries from our databases - covering Spiritual, Psychological and Emotional categories, particularly in relation to becoming fully empowered, to find the most useful and relevant help for you. I then run your 2 Analyses and vibrate the results into your Information Field every 6 hours for a total of 5 weeks.

When you order this program, Please email me at with your Photo and a Statement of Intention (what you want to experience / manifest as a result of this Healing), which I will use as the basis for your Analyses.

I wil write to you as soon as I have done your anlayses and send you the PDF’s with your results.

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