Seven Star Frequency SV

Seven Star Frequency SV


Beautiful Soul, this frequency programme has been created in collaboration with Kelly Day and was guided and supported by the Pleiadians, bringing through frequencies from the Blue Light, Blue Rose, Rainbow Ray, the Elements, Cosmic and Lemurian activations. This programme will help to clear your 12 main Chakras and Auric Body, balance the Elements within your system and activate ancient and cosmic star memories, helping to restore your original blueprint, your alignment with nature and remember your unique soul essence and gifts that you are here to express.The Pleiadian Star Beings from the Pleiades Star System also known as the Seven Sisters co created Heaven on Earth in the time of Lemuria. The Elements still contain the memories and frequencies of this beautiful thriving time on Mother Earth, especially the Waters. As we move into the Aquarian Age, the ‘Water Bearer’ we are awakening to the truth of who we are, where we came from and what is possible in our life and for Mother Earth. The Sacred Crystalline Waters are flowing through to us, reminding us of our true essence and limitless potential.In this frequency programme, we receive energetic support from the Pleiadian Star Mothers to help raise our consciousness, Humanity and Mother Earth. We remember and activate our harmonious Lemurian connection, aligning with Love, Unity and Peace. We embody beautiful vibrations gifted from Mother Earth such as Flowers and Lemurian Quartz Crystal. We identify with each element, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Akasha, the foundations of the Cosmos and principles of our human existence. And we connect to the ancient teachings of Resonance, Frequency, Mantra and Sacred Geometry; upgrading our energetic system to hold more advanced DNA Rainbow Lightcodes, so we can come into alignment with our divine blueprint and light up the world in our own unique way.

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